Growth EmPowerment Services, LLC​​​​
Growth EmPowerment Services, LLC​​​​

Inner growth is the key to success
​GEPS Blog
​GEPS Blog
Hard to Say Goodbye
Hard to Say Goodbye
Can you think of the last time you decided to end something or say goodbye? This could be to a person, situation, or even a pattern of thoughts/behaviors. Strength is required to say goodbye but you feeling better is on the other side of that decision. What can you say goodbye to today?
Social Support
Social Support
Who's in your corner? Having support can help minimize isolation, withdrawal, and the feeling of being alone or misunderstood. Can you identify at least three people who can provide you support? If not, explore your social support today.
Are You Tuned In?
Are You Tuned In?
Music is so influential. What tune or song motivates you? The right music usually has the party going! Is there a song that may even reflect your mood? Have you ever tried writing a song to express your thoughts or feelings?
Guilt imposed by self or others can keep us held hostage mentally. Can you recall a time when guilt kept you from being happy or even limited you ability to move forward? Explore ways to release yourself or others from the guilt today.
Take a Restart
Take a Restart
Ready start and Go! It's completely okay to restart. How often do we find ourselves restarting things? Starting over helps us regain focus, explore a new direction, and reestablish priorities. What can you restart for the better in your own life? Go for it, you are worth another chance to get it right!
Distractions are everywhere
Distractions are everywhere
How often do you find yourself distracted within your day? Distractions can be motivating , creative, or pessimistic, and self-defeating. Confront your distractions today in effort to increase self-awareness.
How often do you reward yourself? When we make the right choice or maintain a good behavior. It's okay to reward yourself or to celebrate you! This will increase your motivation and positive recognition. Think about a recent choice or behavior that you can be proud of. How can you reward yourself today? Keep up the good work!
What Affirms You?
What Affirms You?
I value my life. I believe the good inside of me and the good that's coming into my life. Anything contrary to that; I do not have to allow or tolerate.
What does It Mean To You?
What does It Mean To You?
In a world with so much pain, misfortune, and, emotional setbacks. Have you considered what mental health means to you? Do you think obtaining support from a profession is a benefit or a cost? If you have tried therapy before; was it insightful or did it discourage you? Our mental health is just as vital as the food we eat or the home we live in. Explore what your mental health means to you.
Past vs Future
Past vs Future
Our minds can be an internal but yet emotional GPS. Does your mind tend to focus only on the past or the future? Does these thoughts influence despair or optimism? Explore your thought and see if they are leading you towards growth or stagnation.
Spot On
Spot On
What triggers your stress? Life changes expected or unexpected can be stressful. How well do you adjust or manage your stress if you are aware of the specific triggers ? Examples of possible triggers can be:
1. Relationships
2. Work/Tasks
3. Conflicts/Arguments
4. Low self-esteem/self critical
5. Pain/sickness
6. Unresolved Past trauma/grief
7. New life transitions
Change of Plans
Change of Plans
1. Changes I would like to make
2. My goal to make these changes
3. The steps I would like to take
4. Some things that can interfere
5. The outcome I hope after making these changes
Breaking Cycles
Breaking Cycles
Have you thought about the cycles in your daily routine?
A cycle is "a series of events or situations that are regularly repeated". Are these cycles functional or dysfunctional? These cycles can be behaviors, choices, and even relationships. Do we dare brake them or keep them on repeat? Cycles can be broken when they are no longer attractive to us or the benefit of maintaining them is removed. Think about your cycles and if some just might need to be broken!
Worry Reduction
Worry Reduction
Are you anticipating the outcomes? Often when we are worried it's out fear/anxiety. The outcome we anticipate is a negative one. What situation do you find yourself worried about? Have you considered the probability of this outcome? On a scale of 1-10 how likely is it?
Route Rational or Irrational
Route Rational or Irrational
Are your beliefs rational or irrational? Rational thought patterns are flexible, open-minded, and accepting. Irrational thought patterns are unreasonable, groundless, impetuous. Consider the following questions:
1. What are the facts that support my beliefs?
2. Do my beliefs help me achieve my goals?
3. Do my beliefs help me feel better or worse?
Which One ?
Which One ?
Is there freedom of choice or manipulation? How often do you feel free to make choices for yourself or give others the same freedom? Within relational dynamics there's a sense of willingness or there isn't. The difference is your decision on a regular basis. You decide who you are, you decide what you want to give, and you decide the level of effort within your relationships. Freedom gives space and allowance to the outcome. Manipulation of another person's action/reaction by force or coercion is never healthy.
Comfort Zone
Comfort Zone
Are you comfortable with change or staying the same? Our comfort level influences our decisions. Think of a time when you were uncomfortable and if the feeling motivated change. Change can be scary and difficult to adjust to when we didn't expect to happen. Explore your comfort levels today.
Name That Feeling
Name That Feeling
Can you described how you felt in the last thirty days? Are you able to accept or change your feelings? Explore from list below what feelings best describe you.
Worried Peacful Misunderstood
Excited Fearful Safe
Humiliated Grateful Victimized
Happy Guilty Loving
Insecure Motivated Trapped
Joy Hopeless Optimistic
Are You Feeling Stuck?
Are You Feeling Stuck?
We can feel stuck in life when making decisions or procrastination tends to keep us from moving forward. When was the last time you felt stuck? Was it because you were unable to decide the next step? Was it because of procrastination on the next step out of fear or hesitation? Both can be self-defeating. Explore your decision making skills and ways to move forward.
Positive Opposites
Positive Opposites
Have you ever experienced a quick reaction or reacted on impulse? Was the outcome negative? Being self-aware of your reactions or impulsivity can help you to do the positive opposite. Allowing yourself to pause and think in the moment also helps you to do the positive opposite. You will notice the outcome can be entirely different. Evaluate your reactions or propensity to be impulsive. Try doing the positive opposite!
How strong is your commitment?
How strong is your commitment?
When we make decisions they can be temporary or a commitment for an extended period of time. Have you decided recently any new commitments? Were you able to see the former commitments through? A commitment can be to a job, goal, relationship, and to yourself. Evaluate your commitments today.
1. I commit to improving myself
2. I commit to being intentional
3. I commit to balancing work and life
What's The Narrative ?
What's The Narrative ?
Have you considered your life's story? The story we tell ourselves about our life we attribute meaning, purpose, or the lack there of. Everyone's narrative will be different and often we can choose to leave out the not so great parts. Our life is still extraordinarily special and the narrative will always be our own. Life is complex and tough at times but don't forget those moments that push you to be a better you and even motivate you to keep going when everything else says "quit". Think about your narrative and make it your own!
Positively Charged
Positively Charged
March 10, 2021
Do you have a habit of thinking more positively or negatively? Charging your mind to be more positive could mean utilizing positive visualizations, expecting positive things within your day, positive self-talk, and even writing them down to reflect on or repeat. Being positive is more motivating to stay focus and accomplish your goals. Make a list of at least 5 positive thoughts that will positively charge you.
Can you say NO please!
Can you say NO please!
When was the last time you said no? Think about a time when you wanted to say no but gave into the request and said yes. The ability to say no sometimes within your relationships is beneficial. There is often times more stress or pain attached to a yes. Explore opportunities within you day to say no.
1. Validate the person's feelings and request
2. State why you are unable to grant the request at that specific time or not at all
What Did You Say
What Did You Say
How's your communication skills? Do you know if your pattern of communication is working for you or against you? Communication is how we connect with others and how we teach others about us. Explore your pattern of communication.
1. Passive
2. Aggressive
3. Assertive
Feeling Better
Feeling Better
What do you currently do to feel better? When we feel sad, anxious, or even in pain we want it to stop. Have you explored the things that make you feel better or provide relief?
1. Call a friend
2. Physical exercise
3. Pleasurable activity
4. Self-help/improvement group
5. Feelings journal
Active Listening
Active Listening
How's your listening skills? Active listening in our patterns of communication is vital and assist us in understanding everything someone else is saying. Here's a list of things that can prevent active listening.
1. Judging
2. The need to be right
3. Daydreaming
4. Sparring
5. Mind reading
Relationship Hot Spot
Relationship Hot Spot
What are the pros and cons of your relationships? We spend most of our lives hoping, planning, and stressing about relationships. Have you considered what you add to your relationships or even what they add to your life?
What's Your Vision
What's Your Vision
When was the last time you really laughed? Life is full of so much pain, stress, and grief that these things tend to distract us from life's pleasures even laughter. Take a moment, close your eyes, and visualize the last time you laughed. If you are unable to find the moment; create one day.
Have you thought about the things you are avoiding to do or have you noticed areas of fear that contributes to avoidance? Avoidance is the action of keeping away or not doing something. According to Psych Central there are FIVE types of avoidance.
1. Situational
2. Cognitive
3. Protective
4. Somatic
5. Substitution
Readiness for Acceptance
Readiness for Acceptance
Have you thought about what acceptance means for you? Being ready to accept changes, loss, or even the new things life have to offer depends entirely on you. Acceptance does not often mean you like or agree with the situation. Think of a situation in your life and consider how ready you are to accept it on a scale of 1-10.
1-4 Not Ready
5-7 Almost There
8-10 Ready For Sure
Goals and Monitoring Progress
Goals and Monitoring Progress
It's a new year! Have you started on your list of goals? Goals are intended to give you an objective to work towards and aspiration. Make sure you check in on your progress and the effective ways to get the desired result. Even if you haven't obtained it yet don't lose hope or put yourself down. Your day is coming!
What was the last thing you told yourself today? Your beliefs influences your emotions and behaviors. Can you relate to any of the statements listed below? Evaluate your beliefs and modify them positively.
1. I am uncared for
2. I am powerless
3. I am trapped
4. I am worried
5. I am inadequate
There is Hope
There is Hope
Have you been worried or even questioning life itself? This is completely normal. Life experiences can test us and influence our emotions. With each day however, there is hope for things to change and improve for the better. We are resilient and we can move forward. What are you hopeful for today?
Do you feel like your brain is on automatic pilot mode? Our thoughts can become overwhelming and keep us preoccupied thinking about the past or future. Mindfulness gives an opportunity to observe new things and positive things in our present moment. Start today practicing Mindfulness from these examples.
1. Five minute Breathing
2. Ten minute Meditation
3. Twenty minute Walk
Does your affirmation come from within or from others? Self-affirmations can help increase your positive belief statements. They can also decrease emotional pain, challenge self-defeating behaviors, or discouragement about the future. Complete the statements below and practice repeating to yourself.
1. I Am.....
2. I Can.....
3. I Will.....
Functioning Checkup
Functioning Checkup
Have you noticed that our level of functioning is comprised of many key areas? It is quite possible that we could be doing better in some areas and need improvement in the other ones. Take a look at these key areas for your checkup.
1. Leisure/Self-care
2. Partner/Spouse
3. Parenting
4. Medical/Mental Health
5. Family/Friends
6. Substance Use/Legal
7. Employment/Financial
Feelings Wheel
Feelings Wheel
How do you feel? Are your feelings steady or do you notice when they change? Practice being more aware of your feelings and how to describe them.
1. In the moment
2. In response to a situation or thoughts
3. In comparison from day to day to self-monitor
Your Rights
Your Rights
How's your interpersonal skills? Do you feel comfortable identifying your "rights"? A right is defined as a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something.
1. You have a right to need things from others; even though not always met.
2. You have a right to put yourself first.
3. You have a right to feel and express your emotions.
4. You have a right to say no.
5. You have a right to seek change.
6. You have a right not to take responsibility for someone's life.
7. You have a right to your opinions and convictions.
8. You have a right to your own life experiences; even if different from others.
Five Stages of Grief
Five Stages of Grief
November 11, 2020
Have you ever experienced a loss? A loss can be a person, a pet, a job, a relationship, and even a sense of identity. Have you been able to resolve the negative thoughts or emotions associated with the loss? Elizabeth Kubler Ross identifies the process of grieving the loss happens within five stages.
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
Five Love Languages
Five Love Languages
How do you receive love? Love is defined as "a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person". Gary Chapman points out that we have a primary or even a secondary love language in which we received love within our relational dynamics. Which one best fits you?
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Receiving Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch
The Cycle of Change
The Cycle of Change
What is something you would like to change? The cycle of change includes:
1. Pre-Contemplation
2. Contemplation
3. Preparation
4. Action
5. Maintenance
6. Relapse
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Are your needs being met? According to Abraham Maslow meeting our needs are "intrinsically how we partake in behavioral motivation". Take a personal inventory of your needs. There are three areas.
1. Basic: Physiological and Safety
2. Psychological: Belonging/Love and Esteem
3. Self-fulfillment: Self-actualization/achieving one's full potential
Stress Management
Stress Management
Have you checked your stress level today? Stop and take a deep breath. Evaluate your surroundings and how you feel in the moment. Taking a few moments a day check-in with yourself. Life moves at the pace of you. It's okay to take a personal time out to refresh and refocus.